How To Make BIG Life Shifts When You Want A New Experience


We all have one and we’re each navigating our way through our own version. Often life moves so fast we feel like we’re missing out on the good parts, or we’re striving so hard to make it to someday that we forego the enjoyment here for us today.

Many folks in the personal development world are talking about (and practicing) ‘manifesting’ their lives. Ie: creating their reality. Conjuring something from nothing. Allowing unseen forces to determine their fate. So much that it’s become a bit of a cliché and an elusive one for that matter. If you’ve spent any time in the personal growth world, you know this is a heavily saturated topic. Maybe you’ve tried manifesting your reality and it’s gone swimmingly well…or maybe not.

Perhaps you’re on the other side of the fence and this concept is completely new to you. Welcome to the party! I believe there' is some very powerful truth to the idea that we can create our experiences…with guidelines. Wherever you land, I encourage you to stick around because I’m about to reveal my top tips that actually work to create the life you wish to experience (I’ve put them to the test and they’ve proven their worth).

Here’s my perspective on this often elusive concept:

Turns out, we do have the power to manipulate reality. It’s one of the great laws of the Universe and an important lesson that was somehow left out of our educational system. Hmm, funny. We try so hard to ‘make things happen' for us but more often without realizing it we create more of what we don’t want. This can leave us thinking that we’re somehow excluded from the small percentage of people who are #blessed with the exclusive ability to ‘manifested millions, a dream job, dream home, dream partner, 40 acre homestead, etc.’. Let me tell you, that exclusivity? It’s total B.S.

ANYONE can create their life. In fact…you already ARE. The key is to be intentional about it and to pay attention to your repeating thoughts because your thoughts create things.

Everything that was ever created was first introduced in the form of energy before it came into physical form. Our thoughts are streams of energy we send out like a beacon and our bodies work like receivers for similar frequencies in our environment.

I discovered the art of manifesting about a decade ago during a chapter I refer to as my ‘great awakening’ shortly after a dear friend passed away, and I started seeking answers to some really big questions.

Today I’ll share with you 4 important principles to apply when you’re creating your dream garden, perfect health, or whatever else you conjure up.

Listen here >>>


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