Custom Organic Culinary Gardens & Education

Let’s build your dream kitchen garden. Available locally in Anchorage, Alaska.

“My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.”

— Claude Monet


Shop Garden Designs


    Get organized. This package includes a workbook to help clarify what you want to grow and why you want to grow it and a 20 minute one-on-one Zoom Coaching Call with me!

    Also included in the workbook is my list of veggies, herbs, and edible flowers that I grow in Zone 4, USDA Growing Zone Charts, a notes section, and handy printable planting plans so you can map out your plant selection, seed starting, transplanting, succession planting and harvest dates.

    During our coaching session we’ll:

    Determine your growing zone, choose the best location to plant your garden, decide what you’ll grow and map out which plants to start when, and answer any other workbook questions you might have.

    After your purchase is complete, email me at to schedule your coaching call.



    Sunday, March 17 at 11:am AKST

    Learn everything you need to know about starting vegetable, herb, and edible flower seedlings indoors including the best organic growing mediums, containers, lighting, fertilizer, and care to ensure your seeds germinate and grow strong prior to planting outdoors.

    Follow along with me as I show you my set-up and demonstrate how I start my seedlings.

    This class concludes with a Q & A session, so prepare your burning questions and ask away!

    Sign-Up for this class and receive my 2024 Garden Plan Workbook ($27 value) for FREE



    Need help figuring out where to begin?

    Book a coaching session with me and I’ll look at your growing space to determine the best approach for building your garden. I come to you and together we talk about your dreams. We’ll map out the space including all considerations for the best locations and create a simple plan for your garden with the foundation pieces to get you started.

    Choose to build it yourself, we can build it together, or my team can build it for you! It all depends on how hands-on you want to be.

    Includes a Custom Garden Plan, Planting Guides, and my How To Start A Backyard Garden E-Book



    Love gardening but need a hand? Hire me and I’ll help with the heavy lifting, soil amendments, prep and planting.

    My specialties include:

    • Garden Organization

    • Seed Starting

    • Soil Amendments

    • Vegetables + Herbs

    • Strawberries

    • Pollinator Plants

    • Edible Flowers

    • Compost and Mulch Magic



    Want a gorgeous garden but don’t want to do the dirty work? I’ll design your Custom Culinary Garden to suit your unique growing space and our team will build it for you.

    This includes a full Garden Consultation, custom plan and complete installation including plant starts with your choice of available organic materials, ingredients and aesthetic design.

    Creative add-ons available for trellises, archways, ground cover and more.



    Love projects and the satisfaction that comes with a hard days work? Love supporting a budding local business? Us too. Skip the big box store and choose from our assortment of custom-designed DIY kits. Easy-to-assemble raised beds range from 2x4’ to 4x8’ and beyond depending on your space.

    Our custom garden beds are built-to-suit by my amazing husband and myself.

    Email us to begin your order, where we’ll discuss your budget, material options. We’ll get you growing in no time!

    Local pick-up or delivery for a fee.


Wanna chat about your space?

I’d love to hear from you!

Phone: 907.952.8670